5 Water-Saving Tips for Earth Day and Beyond
Be a friend of the Earth by using 5 simple methods in your smart home

EARTHDAY.ORG has been hosting important environmental events on Earth Day since 1970, And now, the Biden Administration is also urging global leaders to make climate commitments for Earth Day. You can be a part of the change to improve the global environment as well by planting more trees with initiatives like the Canopy Project, or by simply saving more water in your daily life.
As an EPA WaterSense partner, Aeon Matrix is here to share 5 tips about how to save water.

1. Turn Off the Tap When Brushing Your Teeth

2. Take Shorter Showers

3. Reuse Water When Possible

4. Use a Smart Sprinkler Controller
You may be surprised to learn your lawn needs less water than you think. In fact, nearly 50% of water used outdoors is wasted due to inefficient irrigation systems, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It is crucial to use an EPA WaterSense certified sprinkler controller, with a Smart Program that knows when your lawn needs watering, and the right time it takes to soak down into the roots.
Another tip is to water your lawn when the temperature is at its lowest – typically in the early morning or late evening – to reduce water lost to evaporation. The allowable watering hours can be set up in the “Smart Program Hours” of the Smart Program as well.

5. Check for Leaky Faucets and Pipes
If you notice a water pool under your sink or a steady drip from a turned-off faucet, chances are you’re facing a leaky pipe or valve in your house. As for outside your house, it may be difficult to notice, but it’s not a problem if you’re using the Yardian Pro smart sprinkler controller with the flow sensor. It will detect unusual flows and notify you immediately to check for possible leaky pipes or faulty valves.