Skip Rules

Yardian Features


The Skip Rules only affect the Smart Program and Manual Program, while tasks from the Conditional Programs will still be executed upon triggering.

You can choose to skip watering schedules created by your Smart Program and Manual Program. There are 4 skip rules that you can use based on Actual RainfallChance of RainRain Sensor SkipManual Skip, and Freeze Prevention.

Skip watering based on weather data

Chance of Rain

Set the threshold from 10% to 90%. If the chance of rain (or POP – probability of precipitation) from the weather forecast is higher than your set threshold, the schedules on that day will be skipped. 

Rainfall Skip

The Rainfall Skip is a new skip rule that allows you to skip certain days according to the actual rainfall reported from the weather station. Simply specify the “number of skip days” and the “minimum rainfall” to trigger this feature.

Freeze Prevention

You can skip watering schedules due to low temperatures. Set the temperature threshold to 32F, 36F, 41F, or 50F (0C, 2.2C, 5C, or 10C). Your watering schedules will be skipped if the Low-Temperature Forecast is lower than the threshold.

Skip watering based on the rain sensor

Rain Sensor Skip

This is also called “Rain Delay“. Set the skip day(s) from 1 to 7 days. When your rain sensor is triggered, the watering schedules in the following day(s) of your choice will be skipped. The Activation Delay parameter is employed to validate a rain sensor activation event, requiring the rain sensor to remain active for a specified period of time to be considered valid.

Skip watering based on the user’s preference

Manual Skip

You can skip your watering schedules for any reason. Set the skip day(s) from 1 to 7 days.

Please contact our support team at for further assistance.