Wi-Fi Onboarding Using a USB Drive

Connect you Yardian to your home network


You can bypass the cellphone and connect the Yardian to your Wi-Fi network by using a USB drive. If the Yardian is installed at a place with no Wi-Fi access, you can also connect it to your cellphone hotspot as an alternative.

Prepare the file on a USB drive

For the USB drive, FAT32 format is required.

  1. Create a text file with the name “yardian_cmd.json” using any editor on your PC.

  2. Copy the following line to the file:


  3. Replace the XXXXX and YYYYY with your router SSID/Password without any spaces between the double quotes:

    Your SSID: XXXXX
    Your Password: YYYYY

    Note: If your password contains special characters, please ensure that you have updated your firmware to version 6.18.10 or later. If your password includes a double quote or a backslash, please add a backslash \ before it. There’s no need to add a backslash for other special characters like \ ‘ * ! etc. 

    For example, if your password is 123″abc\xyz` , then your “yardian_cmd.json” file should look like:
    { “event”:”AE_NET_SETAPINFO”,”sSsid”:”XXXXX”,”sPassword”:”123\”abc\\xyz`” }

  4. Save the file to a USB drive (in the root directory).


  1. Please turn on your Yardian. When you see the LED blinking green and blue. 

    For Yardian (with camera), please replace the Wi-Fi dongle with this USB drive.
    For Yardian Pro, please insert the USB drive directly.

  2. When it’s done, you should see the LED blinking green, which means the device is trying to connect to the router. It will turn solid green when connected.

    For Yardian (with camera), please put the Wi-Fi dongle back and reboot (unplug then replug the power cord).
    For Yardian Pro, simply remove the USB drive.

Please contact our support team at support@aeonmatrix.com for further assistance.