Precision Irrigation System

Based On Accumulated Solar Radiation (Daily Light Integral or DLI)

Studies have shown that the amount of solar energy received by plants is highly correlated with the amount of evapotranspiration. Aeon Matrix’s brand new Yardian Max multifunctional smart controller — in combination with Apogee’s solar sensor (pyranometer), Yardian Data Hub, and the unique Conditional Program — provides a solution for precise irrigation based on accumulated solar radiation.

An energy threshold (the amount of light accumulation desirable between irrigations) and a watering duration should be specified for each zone so that your irrigation system automatically adapts to any changes in weather and achieves automated irrigation. Users can easily specify these parameters based on the local sunlight condition, irrigation systems, and crop-growing stage through a web browser or smartphone app.

Additionally, our Yardian Max controller is designed to be *cloud-independent, eliminating the need for an internet connection. You can simply connect your smartphone to the controller via Wi-Fi for direct operation and configuration. However, if you prefer cloud connectivity, the controller seamlessly integrates with cloud services, allowing for remote control via a mobile browser. It can be connected through Wi-Fi or Ethernet, and can also be equipped with an LTE router for internet access, ensuring flexibility and convenience in remote operation.

*Cloud services, including remote control, firmware updates, new feature updates, app updates, and maintenance, are free for the first year. After that, an optional annual cloud service fee of $99 applies if you wish to continue.

Easy Installation for Our DLI Solution

What Is Included

Yardian Max Multifunctional Controller
Yardian Data Hub + 24VDC Power Adapter + 4GB USB Drive
Apogee Pyranometer and Sensor Mounting Bracket with Leveling Plate
  • Red (Power 5.5 to 24V) 24VDC 
  • Blue (RS-232 / RS-485 Negative) → D+
  • White (RS-232 / RS-485 Postive) → D-
  • Black (DC 0V Ground) → GND
  • Green (Select RS-485) → GND

Traditional Irrigation Based On Timer or Experience

Irrigation System Based On Accumulated Solar Radiation

Overwatering can lead to root oxygen deprivation
Frequent but small watering sessions help maintain good root aeration and increase photosynthesis efficiency and yield.
Inaccurate water quantity in manual irrigation
Automatic adjustment of watering frequency based on light accumulation values to avoid human judgment errors
It requires manpower and time to be physically present on-site for irrigation.
  • Easy setup
  • Easy maintenance with 4 years warranty
  • Fully automated irrigation can be controlled and scheduled remotely
There is no record of the irrigation process

Record the daily data of light sensors and watering history, which can be utilized for future analysis

Precision Irrigation based on Solar Accumulation promotes root development

Irrigation base on human jugement
Irrigation base on Solar Accumulation

Unique Features

Quality Guaranteed

Our controller and solar sensor both come with 4-year warranties. The system operates locally without relying on an internet connection. Data is encrypted and saved locally. Remote control and monitoring is possible when an internet network connection is available.

Flexible Scheduling

We offer a variety of scheduling options, including: Instant Watering (single/multiple stations) to activate stations immediately, Manual Program to activate stations based on set dates and times, and Conditional Program to work with the solar sensor to calculate the accumulated solar energy – the amount of sunlight received. When the set energy threshold is reached, the station is activated for a set watering duration. The flexible scheduling design allows for the regulation of the watering durations for different energy thresholds set for different times of the day.

Easy to Operate

The interface is simple and easy to operate. Different Conditional Programs can be set according to the growth stage of crops. When the growth stage changes, the station can be moved to the corresponding Conditional Program. There is also real-time information for each station, making it easy to keep track of the execution status of the field at any time.

Visualize and Store Your Data for Future Analysis

Fully Automated Labor-Saving Planting Results

One of our customers experienced a transformative change after installing more than 30 sets of our Yardian Max precision irrigation system, equipped with solar sensors, across 25 acres (10 hectares) of greenhouses. The substantial labor reduction from 10 to 3 workers significantly curtailed operational costs. With our fully automated system eliminating human misjudgment, productivity surged by an impressive 20% consistently across all greenhouses.