Press Room

All about the Yardian Smart Sprinkler Controller​


Jul 5, 2021

By Tommaso Matteini

Centralina smart di gestione impianti di irrigazione, WiFi, 8 porte di zona + 2 di sensori + 1 di uscita, programmi, test remoti, previsioni meteo, app, Apple HomeKit. (Read more)

Jun 19, 2021

By Agent Gainz

Oct 15, 2020

Yardian Pro smart sprinkler controller provides you with controlling your irrigation system in a simple way, for under $200. Aeon Matrix has recently launched its new Yardian Pro, the latest smart sprinkler. (Read more)

Aug 20, 2020

The name Yardian is unlikely to be a name many of our readers will be familiar with, but if you’re looking for a smart sprinkler system for your lawn that also works with HomeKit, this may be of interest to you. (Read more)

Aug 20, 2020

By Christopher Close

Aeon Matrix has announced the release of the second generation Yardian Pro Smart Sprinkler Controller, which includes support for Apple’s HomeKit. (Read more)

Aug 19, 2020

By Garry Kolb

If you’re a regular reader of The Gadgeteer, and have suffered through some of my previous reviews, you’ll already know that I hate mundane tasks, like anything related to home maintenance. (Read more)

Jul 27, 2019

By Ric Manning

I live in the Midwest where our issue with rain is there is often too much of it. My son, on the other hand, lives in an arid part of Northern California where his lawn and garden beg for water almost every day. (Read more)

Apr 3, 2019

By Garry Kolb

Watering the lawn. A mundane task, dragging around hoses and sprinklers and remembering (or forgetting) to turn them off. Or, you can go with a sprinkler system, typically controlled by a simple timer. (Read more)

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